1. To turn on the Equatorial Grid:
a. Click on the Equatorial Grid button, located in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, to toggle On the grid.
Note: Clicking on this toggle again will turn the grid OFF.
b.Go to the Parameters menu, under Coordinate Grids, and select Equatorial Grid.
2. To control the setup of the grid - that is, the separation between grid lines and whether or not both the right ascension and declination lines are displayed or not:a. Go to the Parameters menu, under Coordinate Grids, and select Grid Setup.You'll get a pop-up box that looks like this:
b. Click on "Auto" to turn off the default settings.
Note: There should be a check-mark in the box, if the default settings are active. If they have already been turned off, clicking the box again will turn them back on.c. To toggle on and off the right ascension and declination lines, click those boxes. If they're on, a check-mark will be present. If they're off, there will be an empty box.
In the above example, the right ascension lines and the auto settings are OFF, the declination lines are ON.d. To set the "step" - the distance between successive gridlines - for the ascension and declination lines:1. Either type in a value, or use the up and down arrows.
Note: The step for right ascension lines is in seconds (hh:mm:ss), and for declination is in minutes (deg:min:sec).