Finding Information on a Star or Selected Screen Item

To get information on an object on the screen:

1. Select the selection cursor from the sidebar.

2. Click on the object on the display screen you wish to find information about.

3. Go to the Services menu, Information About ... and click on Selected Objects.

You'll get a popup box with information about the object.

4. Click on the X in the upper right-hand corner of the box to close it.

Alternatively, if you know the name of the star:
1. Go to the Services menu, Find... and click on Star by its Proper Name.
You'll get this dialog box:

2. Type the star's name into the box or scroll through the list and highlight it.

3. Click "Find".

That star is now  selected in the main viewing screen. Now, to get information about it, follow steps 3 and 4 in the above procedure.

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